Our mission: As our committee chairman, George F. Aney, stated in July, 2004, it is our sincere hope to make sure that all Herkimer County WWII Veterans who want to see the memorial that honors their service to our country will have that opportunity. “We will not leave one veteran behind.”

To date, a total of 108 Herkimer County World War II veterans have been taken to Washington D.C. to view the National World War II Memorial. In September of 2005, the third and final group of Herkimer County World War II veterans will leave Herkimer to visit the Memorial erected in their Honor. When this third group board the bus on September 22, 2005 it will mean every Herkimer County World War II veteran that was physically able and wished to see the Memorial has been given that opportunity by a grateful County.
Herkimer County is a rural county in upstate New York, with a population of approximately 65,000. Herkimer County is a large county - 1400 square miles. The median household income is $32,000 with most below, and 12.5% of the population falls below the (1999) poverty level. 3675 (11.5%) of the County's population live in mobile homes. Within 300 miles of Herkimer County, you will find 25% of the total population of the U.S. and Canada, and even a greater concentration of the industrial wealth.